2019 is the second year I’ve hosted the Rock Exchange at the Gallery for the Facebook group Dartford Painted Rocks. The group has around 1,500 members, all enthusiastic about finding...
4 August ~ 1 September 2018 (Wednesdays to Sundays) In 1918 women in Britain over the age of 30, meeting certain property qualifications, were given the right to vote, and...
Painting rocks and leaving them as a pleasant surprise for strangers to stumble upon is a trend that started in the USA. After seeing a friend’s Facebook post about the...
I created this work specifically to raise funds to help Dartford and Crayford Sea Cadets maintain their unit at Brooklands Lake, Dartford. The unit has been in existence since 1942....
My first two weeks open at the Gallery was very, very exciting (that’s me on the left BTW). Made new friends as well as saying hello to some old friends...
Only two days to go to opening and I think we have got the gallery looking just about right. With help from our friends at Top Furniture in the Orchards...
Gallery-NewHome3 Gallery-NewHome2 Gallery-NewHome1 Finally, we've started the move into my new studio/gallery, and wow it’s fantastic! This is the tidy up stage but, thanks to the landlord, I have no...